New Launchpad S from Novation

More hot news in the controller world – Novation is relaunching their classic best-selling Launchpad controller with a few updates to make it a more modern controller. Here’s the rundown of the major changes to the controller, dubbed the Launchpad S.

much brighter LEDs
significantly faster refresh rate (switching between modes & general performance)
and it’s now class compliant –meaning it doesn’t require a driver and will work with iOS apps!
The controller is set be available later this month (April 2013), with a MSRP of $169.99.

Novation has also gotten a performance video together from KillTheRobot for this new relaunch, showing off the controller’s stronger lighting. Check it out below:

If you’re into his performance, KillTheRobots also put together a behind the scenes video of how he crafted his performance – especially helpful if you need help making cool light shows on Launchpad controllers. He’s also got the full template of his performance 


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